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  • Transform Your Wellbeing with Mindful Sleep - Here's How to do it

    Have you ever woken in the morning and not felt like you slept at all because you are so tired? This happens often to me. The key is to create a mindful sleep routine today. Not getting quality sleep, doesn't surprise me the least because we are all in this fast-paced world and finding quality rest and achieving mindfulness while you sleep can be a challenge. Whether you struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep, or simply want to enhance your sleep experience, incorporating mindfulness practices into your bedtime routine can make a significant difference. By creating a peaceful sleep environment, unplugging from technology, practicing deep breathing and meditation, expressing gratitude, visualizing positivity, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, you can pave the way for mindful sleep and embrace each morning feeling revitalized. In this guide, we will explore actionable tips to help you achieve mindful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Creating the Ideal Sleep Environment To kickstart your journey to mindful sleep, begin by setting the stage for a restful night. Ensure your bedroom is a serene and clutter-free space, promoting relaxation. I like to go into my room an hour before bedtime, turn the lamp on by the bed and start to really wind down for the night. Dim the lights, adjust the room temperature to your preference, and consider incorporating calming essential oils or soothing sounds to enhance the ambiance. This reminds me of when my kids were very little. I tried a noise machine in their room, and I remember the first night, my almost 1 year old slept for a decent chunk of the night. Same for us adults, I like to put on soothing sounds right before going to bed. My favorite is rain fall. Unplugging from Technology This is a very important one. In the digital age, we are constantly bombarded with screens and notifications, causing disruptions in our sleep patterns. Prior to bedtime, aim to disconnect from electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Engage in calming activities like reading a book, practicing gentle stretches, or journaling to unwind and prepare your mind for rest. I like to put my phone on do not disturb. This really helps to unplug. Deep Breathing and Meditation As you lay in bed, take a few moments to focus on your breath. I like to lay on my back and pull the covers up to my chin. I move one leg and then the other, then start practicing breathing. This happens every night. Practice deep breathing exercises to center your mind and body, releasing any tension or racing thoughts. Incorporating meditation techniques, such as mindfulness meditation or body scans, can help quiet the mind and promote a sense of calm conducive to sleep. Gratitude and Visualization Before drifting off to sleep, cultivate a sense of gratitude by reflecting on positive moments from your day. I think it is important to be mindful during this time. Consider keeping a gratitude journal by your bedside to jot down a few things you are thankful for each night. Additionally, engage in visualizing peaceful and tranquil scenes to guide your mind towards relaxation and contentment. Consistent Sleep Schedule Schedules are key, even though I don't really like schedules per se. I run on schedules. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is paramount in achieving mindful sleep. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, allowing your body to regulate its internal clock. Be mindful of caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime, as these can disrupt your sleep patterns and hinder your quest for restful sleep. Incorporating mindfulness practices into your sleep routine can transform your relationship with rest and rejuvenation. Remember, the journey to mindful sleep is unique to each individual, so experiment with these tips to discover what works best for you. Here's to prioritizing your well-being and experiencing the transformative power of mindful sleep. Thank you for reading.

  • How to Sparkle Like No Other

    Are you ready to shine and sparkle like no other? In this guide, we will walk you through some simple yet effective tips to help you stand out and radiate confidence wherever you go. This post was inspired by someone close to me who wears sparkles. Like every darn thing on this person's body is sparkly, all the time. Sparkle leggings, check. Sparkle hair, check. Sparkle shoes, check. Sparkle shirt, check. You get the idea. Seeing so many sparkles all the time has given me inspiration to write this post. What if we actually make an effort to sparkle not only on the outside but on the inside too!? Wow, what a concept, right? Whether you have a special event coming up or just want to add some extra sparkle to your daily routine, these tips will help you embrace your uniqueness and let your inner light shine bright. Embrace Your Unique Style One of the best ways to sparkle like no other is to embrace your unique style. Don't be afraid to experiment with bold colors, patterns, and accessories that reflect your personality. I will admit, I am one of those people that do not do this. I think I own so many black shirts and blue jeans that I actually need color and pattern in my life ASAP. I think it is important to dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable, and your inner sparkle will naturally shine through. Confidence is Key Confidence is the secret ingredient to sparkling like no other. Stand tall, speak with conviction, and believe in yourself. Read the room, know who you audience is and who you are talking to. When you exude confidence, you attract positive energy and radiate a glow that is truly captivating. Spread Kindness and Positivity Nothing makes you sparkle more than spreading kindness and positivity wherever you go. Take the time to compliment others, lend a helping hand, and spread joy. Your kindness will not only make others shine but will also reflect back on you, making your sparkle even brighter. Embrace Your Flaws Nobody is perfect, and that's what makes you unique. Embrace your flaws and imperfections, as they are what make you authentically you. By accepting and loving yourself as you are, you will naturally exude a genuine sparkle that is incomparable. Let Your Passion Shine Whether it's a hobby, a talent, or a cause you're passionate about, let your enthusiasm shine through. Do not be afraid to be passionate. When you talk about what lights you up inside, your eyes will sparkle with excitement, making you truly captivating to those around you. Remember to Smile A smile is the simplest yet most powerful way to sparkle like no other. If you frown, you will look unapproachable. If you smile, people may actually come up to you. Let what I just said sink in for just a moment. Smiling not only brightens your face but also uplifts your mood and the spirits of those around you. Try it sometime. I have been asked before why I am so happy. So don't forget to flash those pearly whites and let your smile be your signature sparkle. Remember that you have the power to sparkle like no other. You should make every effort to sparkle like no other, every single day. Embrace your uniqueness, exude confidence, spread kindness, and let your passion and smile light up the world around you. By following these simple tips, you will shine bright and sparkle like the gem you are. So go ahead, embrace your sparkle, and let it shine for all to see! Thank you for reading.

  • Mindful Cooking: Bringing Calmness to Your Kitchen

    I don't know about you but when I get into the kitchen after a long day, I want to get out as quickly as I can. I want to get dinner done so I can move on with the next phase of the night. I find though that being mindful in the kitchen can bring calmness to your day. Finding moments of tranquility can be a rare treasure. This reminds me of a quick story. Last year I was invited to my brother's house, and he had this huge batch of dough ready because we were making pasta. We had never made pasta in our lives, but he invited me over and I wanted to spend time with him. He sprinkled flour and then plopped the dough on his clean kitchen table. He then proceeded to roll the pasta dough out. I remember thinking what is he doing? I just started laughing which caused him to laugh too. We had a great afternoon together, chatting, laughing and just working the dough. It was so much fun. Being mindful, stopping and just having a great time in the kitchen, I believe is one of the keys to this life. Amid the chaos of our daily lives, the kitchen can serve as a sanctuary for those seeking solace and peace. In this post, we delve into the realm of mindful cooking, exploring how this practice can not only nourish our bodies but also feed our souls. Finding Peace in the Pot Cooking is often seen as a chore, a means to an end - a way to curb hunger quickly before moving on to the next task. However, mindful cooking encourages us to view this daily ritual through a different lens. It invites us to slow down, be present in the moment, and savor the entire culinary experience. This is something I struggle with. I am usually going between the BBQ and the kitchen most nights. I think you can be more mindful by just slowing down. Literally slowing everything down and taking 10 more minutes for dinner. Imagine the gentle sound of a knife slicing through vegetables, the aromatic dance of spices in a hot pan, and the vibrant colors of fresh ingredients coming together. These simple yet profound sensations can anchor us in the now, grounding us in the beauty of the present moment. Cooking with Intention Mindful cooking is not just about the end product; it's about the journey. It's about infusing each chop, stir, and taste with love and intention. By approaching cooking in this way, we not only create food that nourishes the body but also uplifts the spirit. Next time you find yourself in the kitchen, take a deep breath, let go of distractions, and focus on the task at hand. I know it's hard to do this and it could take a bit of practice. Engage all your senses - feel the textures, inhale the aromas, and appreciate the flavors when eating. This mindful approach can transform a mundane chore into a meditative experience. Deeper Dive into Mindful Cooking Practices Mindful cooking practices not only enhance the taste of your food but also nurture your well-being. By incorporating mindfulness into cooking, we can cultivate a deeper connection with our meals and ourselves. In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, mindful cooking serves as a gentle reminder to slow down, tune in, and appreciate the simple joys of life. By infusing our cooking routine with mindfulness, we not only transform our meals but also nourish our souls. So, next time you pick up that spatula, remember - cooking is not just about feeding the body; it's about feeding the spirit too. What a thought, am I right? Thank you for reading.

  • How Stillness Can Calm the Mind

    Finding stillness in today's world is one of the keys to life. Stillness can help keep you calm and relaxed. I truly believe this statement. How do you find stillness, you may ask? That is a great question. I think you can find stillness by doing simple tasks like mindful breathing to practicing gratitude. In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of stillness can be a rare and precious gift. Amidst the chaos and constant noise, embracing stillness is more important than ever for well-being. Here are 8 simple yet powerful ways to invite stillness into your daily life and reap its numerous benefits. Morning Meditation : Start your day with a few minutes of meditation to set a calm and focused tone for the day ahead. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and breathe deeply, letting go of any racing thoughts. Nature Walks : Connect with the natural world by taking leisurely walks in the park or a nearby forest. Listen to the rustling leaves, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature's tranquility envelop you. Digital Detox : Unplug from the digital world for a designated period each day. Put away your phone, turn off notifications, and savor the freedom from constant connectivity. Mindful Breathing : Whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a mindful breathing break. Focus on your breath – the inhale and the exhale – and watch as your mind calms down. Journaling : Write down your thoughts, feelings, and reflections in a journal. This simple practice can help you process emotions, gain clarity, and find moments of stillness in self-expression. Yoga Practice : Incorporate gentle yoga poses and stretching exercises into your routine. Yoga not only nurtures your body but also quietens the mind and enhances inner peace. Reading Retreat : Create a cozy reading nook at home where you can escape into the pages of a good book. Immerse yourself in a different world and let the soothing power of storytelling calm your mind. Gratitude Practice : End your day with a gratitude ritual. Reflect on the positive moments, big or small, that brought joy to your day. Cultivating gratitude fosters inner peace and contentment. These 8 practices offer pathways to stillness amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Remember, stillness is not about the absence of noise but about finding peace within ourselves. Embrace these moments of quiet reflection and let them rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. In a world that never stops moving, prioritizing stillness is a radical act of self-care. Embrace the quiet moments, cherish the tranquility, and watch as the chaos around you fades into the background. As we navigate the busyness of everyday life, remember that amidst the noise, stillness is the key. Find your stillness today. Thank you for reading.

  • Ways to Tell If You Are Happy

    Happiness is an essential aspect of life, influencing our overall well-being and joy. I believe that understanding the signs of happiness in your life can lead to a more fulfilling life. Below we explore various ways to tell if you are truly happy. I must say that I can never tell if I am truly happy. I know most days I am somewhat content but sometimes in order to be mindful and aware, it is important to recognize times of happiness. I wish I could bottle up happiness or what I do to achieve happiness and spray it everywhere! This is your daily (friendly) reminder to pay attention to what is happening in your life. Recognizing Happiness in Everyday Life Happiness manifests itself in numerous ways, often hidden in the nuances of our daily routines. It is really easy to get caught in life. Here are some subtle signs that indicate that you are on the right path to contentment: When you find yourself appreciating the small things and expressing gratitude effortlessly, it is a clear indication that you are in a positive state of mind. Stopping and smelling the roses so to speak. A calm and peaceful demeanor, even during challenging times, signifies a deep-rooted sense of happiness within you. I don't always feel calm, but I try to project calm. I have been told that I am careful with my words, and it is very true, I am very careful with what I say. Building and nurturing authentic relationships with others brings a sense of joy and fulfillment that reflects your inner happiness. Relationships in life isn't easy. It takes time and effort on your part and the other person's part. For those I care about, I always make time for them. Engaging in activities that promote personal growth and development shows that you are invested in your well-being and happiness. I think it is important to always learn, always grow and always reflecting on situations where things could have gone just a little bit better. Optimism and a positive perspective towards the future are strong indicators of a content and happy individual. Personal Insights: Ways to Tell If You Are Happy As shared by readers, some additional ways to recognize happiness include finding joy in simple pleasures, feeling a sense of purpose, and experiencing emotional stability when faced with challenges are all ways to tell if you are happy. Conclusion Incorporating these subtle signs into your daily life can help you identify and appreciate the moments of happiness that often go unnoticed. Be mindful. Be aware. By understanding these cues, you can cultivate a more profound sense of joy and contentment, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life. Join the journey to a happier life by recognizing and embracing these signs of happiness. Your well-being is a priority, and understanding the subtle nuances of joy can make all the difference. Thank you for reading!

  • Morning Routines Have More Power Than You Believe

    Morning routines have power. A new day is a blank canvas. As the sun peeks through the curtains on a new day, signaling the start of a new day filled with new opportunities, many of us find solace in the quiet moments of the early morning. At least I know, I do. The way we choose to kickstart our day can have a profound impact on our overall well-being and our mindset. Today, I want to share with you the beauty of mindful morning routines and how they can set a positive tone for the day ahead of you. Embracing Stillness In a world filled with constant distractions and noise, what meeting we need to go to, the morning presents a unique opportunity to embrace stillness. Taking a few moments for yourself before the day unfolds can help both ground you and set a peaceful tone. Whether it's sipping a cup of tea or coffee, meditating, or journaling, find what brings you inner calm and make it a part of your morning ritual. You know yourself better than most. Nourishing Your Body and Soul Fueling your body with nutritious food not only energizes you but can also nurture your personal well-being. Consider starting your day with a wholesome breakfast that nourishes both your body and soul. Engage in mindful eating, savoring each bite, and appreciating the flavors that you can taste. Connecting with Nature Stepping outside to greet the day can be a rejuvenating experience. When you walk out to your car, look up at the sky. Take a deep breath, hopefully it can be cleansing. Whether it's a brisk walk in the neighborhood or yoga in the park, connecting with nature can be grounding and invigorating. Let the beauty of the natural world around you, awaken your senses and instill a sense of gratitude within you. Taking the First Step Incorporating mindfulness into your morning doesn't have to be complicated or overly difficult. Start with small, intentional steps that resonate with you. By prioritizing moments of peace and reflection at the beginning of your day, you can cultivate a sense of mindfulness that continues throughout your daily life. Personal Insights on Mindful Morning Routines Mindful morning routines have been transformative in my own life. By dedicating time to set positive intentions and nourish my mind, body, and spirit, I've noticed a significant shift in my overall well-being and productivity. It isn't always easy to be mindful, especially when we are all so busy. If you're looking to infuse your mornings with mindfulness and intention, I encourage you to explore simple practices that resonate with you and that can be done quickly and easily. Remember, every morning presents a fresh opportunity to start something new, exciting and embrace the beauty of the present moment. These are just a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your morning routine. Remember that each day is a new beginning, do not stay focused on yesterday. How you choose to start your day can set the tone for what follows. Embrace the serenity of the morning hours and let them guide you towards a day filled with peace, purpose, and joy. For more lifestyle tips and insights, check out our other articles found below. Written with love for those who seek special moments of mindfulness in their daily lives. Thank you for reading.

  • 3 Easy Things to do This Weekend to Help you Calm Down, Rest & Recover

    Happy Friday. It’s been a week for me, has it been for you? Do you just need a moment to yourself to calm down from the week, to just rest and recover? There are a few things that I am planning on doing this weekend that can help with this, from getting outside to finding a quiet moment to reflect. I am so beyond happy today is Friday. I think on Friday’s it is important to take a moment, check in with how you are currently feeling and just be mindful. I don't know about you, but my brain just starts to somewhat shut down right after lunch on Friday's. You made it to the weekend! Yes, time to secretly celebrate especially if you are still at your desk at work. For me this week was hard. There were a lot of meetings, a lot of nonsense and a lot of emotional energy spent on things that I care about, and I believe in. I am currently feeling drained, tired, and happy its Friday and I have a few days over the weekend to somewhat rest and relax. There is never time though on the weekends to truly rest and relax. At least not for me and the season of my life that I am in. Our weekend is full of activities but there are three things that I am going to plan to do this weekend that is just for me. I hope you enjoy my thoughts and can incorporate them into your weekend too. 3 things to do this weekend. First Thing - I am going to find just a moment of solace and reflection. To me solace is putting the phone down, turning the radio off and possibly laying down. I am going to find time to reflect on my week, and what my next week will look like. I am going to take some time just for myself. I am going to sit in a nice quiet spot, even if it is just for 5 minutes. Second Thing – I am going to find time to spend a moment outside. For me, it's going to be a few hours watching sports activities. I am going to take a moment while I am there to soak in the sunshine before the stress of the game starts. Third Thing – I am going to do something that I want to do. For me, it's watching a movie. I know that sounds so cliché, but I love to just sit and watch my favorite movie. In addition to the above 3, I am going to spend some quality time with friends and family. This is what makes me happy. Find your happy too. Being there, being present and being aware. I hope you can find some inspiration in my thoughts to have the best weekend possible this weekend and every weekend thereafter. You deserve it. Thank you for reading.

  • How do you have a good day? With balance, sleep, taking care of yourself, positivity, and love.

    Are you having a really good day and just want to stay in the present? Do you want to bottle this up and serve it to everyone and anyone you know. Ever think wow, this is the best version of myself. Today. Right here. Right now. As we speak. If you are feeling this way, you may just want to do everything you can to hold on to this, to nurture it and just see where it can go. What helped me get here today? I have come to the realization that the best version of myself comes when I have the following: True Harmony, this isnt just in work and life. Its felt deep down harmony. When I can let things that bother me go. Surrounding myself with those that I want to immulate, those who are kind, driven, and just plain good people. Positive role models are important. When I have friends who have similar mindsets. Positivity is always a key. When I get enough sleep. When I have time for just me. When I eat less processed foods and more fresh fruit and veggies. When I feel productive in my person and professional life. When I take care of myself. When I take advantage of the mornings. When I get in a morning workout. When I am grateful for the good in my life. When I take time to breathe and be mindful. Having a good day and really feeling good is about the balance/harmony, kindness, mindfulness, and love. Are you having a good day? What do you think you did to get there? Thank you for reading.

  • How to Respond When Someone Asks if You're Okay and You're Not

    Have you ever had someone ask you if you are okay and you just aren’t okay? I don't know if you can relate but I am one of those that just says, "yes, I'm fine," even when I do not feel fine. There aren't very many people I trust to fully disclose how I am feeling. I think it can also be awkward and depends on how well you know the person. When asked if you are okay and you aren't okay, you can say things like, "yes", you can say, "no", you can say, "not really", you can say, "thank you for asking but I would rather not answer your question." All of these are okay responses. It is absolutely okay not to be okay. If you aren’t feeling good, are unhappy or unsure even if you are happy, it is okay to say you aren’t okay. If you feel safe telling someone you aren’t okay, you can say, “I’m really not okay, can I talk to you?”. The reason I bring this up is because I had someone ask me yesterday if I was okay, if I was happy with a decision that I made a year ago. I hadn’t seen this person in about a year and I forgot how bold and up front, almost in your face this person can be. In fact, this person and their attitude is one of the many reasons why I made a change a year ago. During the conversation, I felt myself, inwardly and probably physically backing away. This all to say, pay attention to your body and how others make you feel. I kept saying yes, yes, I’m happy, I’m good, but this person just kept pressing. You sure?? You are happy right?? I could feel my body heat increasing, my anxiety starting to show up in my pulse and I kept thinking to myself, how do I get out of this? My answer, politely change the subject and when you can, leave the situation. For me, it was talking to someone else because we were in a crown of people. This person is someone I have known for many years, so they probably on their end knew, yeah, I wasn’t absolutely 100% happy or okay. It had me thinking after the conversation, that yeah, I’m not sure if I am good. I’m not sure if I’m happy. I am going to need to do a lot of reflection on why I am feeling this way, to be honest. I hate that I feel this way right now. I hate that an interaction like this has me taking a few steps back from where I was just an hour before I saw this other person. Have you ever felt that way? Just telling others yes, yes, I’m totally fine but inside, you just aren’t sure. That was me yesterday and it has me thinking today. Life is full of decisions; I get that and sometimes you just aren’t sure if you are on the right path or if you made the right decision at the time. Career, life, you name it… I realize now, about a year later that last year, I made a somewhat rash decision that changed my life trajectory, but it was the right decision at the time for me. I did a lot of reflection, a lot of asking myself if I was happy then and I wasn’t and I made a change. Now, a year later, I am second guessing myself, but I think that can be somewhat human, somewhat natural. Especially after this interaction that I had yesterday. I think for now, I am going to focus on me today, drink water, find some quiet time, write and just reflect on how my year has been, how I am feeling today and what I can do now to keep moving forward in the future. This is my life, and I say whether I am happy or not. If I’m unhappy, I can make decisions to try to better it. I think it is okay to say, I’m not okay, I’m not happy. The person I was talking to yesterday is not part of my inner circle, I would never feel comfortable telling that person the actual truth. After my long week, I’m going to try to find solace this weekend, I hope you do too. Have a good weekend. Thank you for reading.

  • How to Make Today So Awesome, That Yesterday Gets Jealous

    This is officially my quote or phrase of the day, of the hour, of the year…. you get the idea. I just read the phrase, ‘make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous.’ All I can say is what an inspirational but simple quote. I think I may be in love with this new phrase. How many of us think about yesterday or of the future constantly? I know I do, what happened yesterday, what I did right, what I did wrong…etc. etc. When I am taking my next upcoming vacation, within the next year, my life will be better, and so on, and so on. That’s human, I believe. That way of thinking is so common. That takes up a lot of energy, a lot of mental capacity, when I keep replaying things that happened, things that I should have said. Today is where it is at though. Today is now, today is present, yesterday was well yesterday. That’s the past, what happened yesterday shouldn’t come into play with your mindset today. I love this quote because it shows you that there is hope in today, today is a new day. The focus of your energy today needs to be on today. Do not get wrapped up in what yesterday or the future will look like. If you do, you will spend way too much time and energy on what isn’t important. If you make today awesome, imagine what the future will look like. I mean the sky is the limit, right? The possibilities are endless. So, we keep coming back to today. Today is now, today is alive and today I am going to make the most out of today so if yesterday were an actual person, they would be quite jealous. So, how do you make today so awesome, that yesterday gets jealous? There are few things that come to mind: Take care of yourself today – focus on you. Do something you love today – anything from sitting by yourself to going for a walk. Be mindful today – pick out a slow part of your day, sit, close your eyes, and ask yourself how you are doing. Take your time today – do not rush through your day, slow down and savor any special moments today. If you need to take a break, take it. Maybe it’s a stressful meeting or an important appointment. Don't dwell on yesterday - only slightly think about what happened yesterday, then quickly move on to today. Take care of yourself. Start with you today. Focus on you. You are so important to the future you. The past you is in the past. The present you is what you need to focus on. Do something you love today. Make yesterday you jealous of today you. If you are having trouble finding something you love to do, what is something you haven’t done in a while? Practice being mindful today. Take a small moment to be intentional with your thoughts, feelings and even words. Practice restraint. Take your time today. We are all so busy. Have you seen the traffic on the road lately? Or the drop offs at the school in the morning. Goodness, slow down. Leave a bit early to get to where you need to go so you can take you time. If you need a break, take it. This is my favorite one of them all. Take a break. Walk away, if you can, if just for 5 minutes. I am going to make it a point to make my day today awesome. I am going to try my best, within my control to make today a good day. So, if yesterday were a person, they would be so jealous. I hope you join me. Thank you for reading.

  • 20 Easy Ways to Turn Your Bad or Blah Day into a Productive & Positive One

    Are you having a bad or blah day? Do you know how to turn it around? Today is just a blah day. It honestly is just a grey day for me. What should you do when you start feeling this way? Anything from taking a moment to be mindful to drinking water. Keep reading for 18 more ways to turn your bad or blah day into a productive and positive one. Today nothing is really happening and I just kind of feel blah. I'm not happy, I'm not sad, just, well, blah. For me, on this blah or bad day, today is just another day, it just so happens to be a Wednesday when I am typing this out, not sure if that has anything to do with it. Nothing exciting, nothing spectacular has happened, I'm just feeling icky / blah. I am still healing from my dentist appointment from yesterday, at least I am not in pain, but other than that, nothing is happening. I am kind of okay with a blah day to be honest. These last few weeks have been crazy busy. I feel like we all need blah days sometimes. Bad days on the other hand, need to be turned around quickly. What do we mean by blah? This is another word for something that is boring. Something is lacking meaningful content. I am not sure that I want to change this blah day. I mean, I think it is needed at least for me, right now. I think it is important for you to acknowledge that you are having a bad or blah day. That would be the first step. If you wanted to change your blah day into more of a productive and positive day, I think there are a few things you can do to change how you are feeling, at least this is what I like to do. 20 ways to change your bad or blah day into a productive and positive day: Take a moment and be mindful today; check in with yourself, ask yourself how you are feeling. Turn on some music that you like; whatever you are feeling into turn it on Go for a quick walk, maybe 10-15 minutes just to get your blood moving. Take a quick cat nap, maybe 20 minutes, if you have time. Drink plenty of fluids today, water is so important. Call up an old friend or family member who you haven’t seen or talked to in a while. Go to the gym, again, like a walk, get your blood and endorphins moving. Pick up that hobby you haven’t done in a million years. Journal about your day today. Take a nice long shower or bath, whatever fits your fancy. Go for a drive and watch the sunset. Go out to eat, take yourself out, its okay if you are solo Do something nice for someone else, it really can be a simple compliment. Ask someone else how they are doing. Fix yourself a nice, hot cup of tea and just sit. Pick up that dusty book and start reading it. Turn on the TV and rewatch your favorite series that you haven’t seen in a few years. Ask that person out you have been meaning to ask out. Light that candle that is in your closet, watch the flames dance. Go to bed early. These are just a few things I would do to try to turn my blah day into a better day. If I were having a bad day, I would do a few of the above. I think bottom line, it just comes down to taking time for yourself today to do something that will bring you a bit of joy. You know you better than I do. I think it is important to remember at least for me, that some days are just going to be blah or bad. I am actually okay with blah not bad days. I hope you have a good remainder of your week. Is there anything else you do that you can add to the list? I would love to hear, drop me a comment. Thank you for reading.

  • Mindfulness in the dental chair - how to

    The dentist. Two simple little words that cause anxiety and stress in so many. Below you will find our top 3 tips for a stress and anxiety free dental visit. These range from focusing on your breathing to thinking of something, anything else that what is happening. If you have anxiety about going to the dentist, please know that you are not alone. So today was the day, the day I was dreading...a visit to my nice, friendly dentist. I love my dentist as a person. She seems to know what she is doing and has all the latest and greatest equipment. I get borderline severe anxiety going to the dentist though. I get hot, I can tell my pulse starts racing and I start talking, a lot. My poor new dentist today was probably like, wow, what is happening with this person? When laying back in the dental chair, I feel this sense of dread. They put the bib on me, and the lights start to move to my mouth, and I literally want to be anywhere else but here. This comes from years of multiple dental visits full of fillings, crowns and root canals. Unfortunately, I do not have good teeth. Back to my visit. They numb me and have to wait a while and a few more pokes until I am fully numb. During the numbing portion, I grab the space between my thumb and my index finger on my left hand with my thumb and index finger on my right hand. This is something I have done for years to try to get my mind thinking about anything else besides what is happening in my mouth. They then start drilling and that's when I start being more mindful of my breath. In and out, lets count to 10. They stop drilling, then they start again, and my counting and breathing starts back up again. This happens until my appointment is over. My appointment is over, and I stand up, almost lightheaded from being so mindful and focusing on my breathing. I give myself a nice, not literal pat on the back. I made it through, I think to myself. It was an hour and a half appointment and there were some unpleasant moments but all in all, I was able to get through it. I kept telling myself just to be calm and it will be over quickly. Going to the dentist is no fun, especially if they are doing decent work; drilling and filling or pulling. Here are 3 ways to reduce stress and anxiety at your next dental visit - Focus on your breathing! Mentally think of anything else besides what is going on. Know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know this is hard. It is for me at least. When laying down, I went into complete breathing mode. As mentioned, I counted deep breaths for 10 seconds. That is about as long as the drill. I know sometimes it is hard to breathe through your mouth, so I focused on breathing through my nose. I didn't mention before that I was thinking about what I had to do later in the day. It was almost as if I was going through my to-do list in my head. I knew that this was only for a short time, I was only uncomfortable for a short time, so that helped me get through this visit. Now I am off to making sure this procedure heals correctly. Doing all I can to not irritate it is on my list of things to do. I have also swished warm salt water to promote quicker healing. I was anxious about this appointment all weekend, now I am so glad I got this appointment out of the way. Onto more and better, until the next dental visit that is. Is there anything you do to mentally prepare for a dental or uncomfortable visit? I would love to hear your tips. Thank you for reading.

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